An Optimized Keybinding For Death Knights


Do you play a Death Knight? Some World of Warcraft players that do, find it really difficult to fit in their main quick bar all the abilities that they normally use. That's why it's always a good idea to resort at a few WoW macros. And not only to open one or two slots in your main quick bar, but to be able to play your DK a little bit better. 
In this post I'm going to tell you a thing or two about WoW DK macros and about a keybinding that fits excellently to the main quickbar of a Blood specialized Death Knight. These are the abilities and macros that I use on the keys from 1 to 0. I find the gameplay of my DK really easy and enjoyable with this keybinding, and I hope you will too. 
Key 1: Disease Macro - I'll tell you in a minute what this macro contains and what it does.
Key 2: Blood Boil
Key 3: Heart Strike
Key 4: Death Strike
Key 5: Rune Strike
Key 6: Dancing Rune Weapon
Key 7: Bone Shield
Key 8: Vampiric Blood
Key 9: Anti-Magic Shell
Key 0: Icebound Fortitude
The Disease Macro that I have on my main key, can of course, be replaced by Outbreak, because as a Blood DK, it doesn't have such a long cooldown. However Icy Touch is a very nice taunting ability, and you should use it, and using Outbreak as your disease applier, you'll still have to bind your Pestilence somewhere. I like this WoW macro for my DK because it combines all three Icy Touch, Plague Strike and Pestilence, and it looks something like this:
/castsequence reset=4 Icy Touch,Plague Strike,Pestilence
Pretty simple macro to write and use. Once you have locked into your bar, you simply select a target, press the macro three times and you will apply both diseases on the target and also spread it on the other adjacent targets. Ever since I've learned about this DK macro and started to use it, my DK gameplay just doesn't feel right without it. 
Now, about the 1-0 WoW keybindings that I have displayed here, as you can see, the 1-5 keys contain active combat styles and the other keys contain short duration buffs. It's a balanced keybinding for the main bar of a Blood DK.
There's a "BUT" though...
If you're killing mobs, you will probably a bit laid-back and you can easily click on the abilities fixed on key 6 to key 0. But in PvP, clicking on your quick bar may cost you valuable fractions of a second and even seconds. So, if you play PvP as a Blood DK, I recommend you to bind those short duration spells on keys that are in the easy reach of your keybord hand.